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Email working again

This morning I checked my spam folder related to this website/domain name and noticed there had been no new spam for about a week… not that I am missing it but this did not sound quite right!

Indeed, it looks like my service provider recently had some issues with one of their site being compromised and used to host some malicious software and as a result their back-end domain was blacklisted by Google. Something they did not like too much…

They took the drastic decision to change their back-end domain, it seems to have worked. But in the process they have messed up some accounts. They have now fixed the issue with my domain but if you have sent me an email recently then, I am afraid, that email is lost and you probably did not receive any error message either!

I never thought spamming could be useful to the receiver of it, but in this case the lack of noise highlighted another issue :)

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